Given the endless cycle of pain and suffering in the dairy and egg industries, eating what's left of the animal at the end of such a long process is less than a token gesture compared to the years of suffering that the vegetarian demand produced.
As you all know, cows that are eaten are largely spent dairy females, same for chicken being spent egg laying hens etc.
They're no better, they're deluded really, or at best ignorant (like I was for 5 years veggie before being vegan). I
You see, if people didn't eat meat the dairy and industry would still have the same demand,nothing would change. Sure they'd have more carcasses to deal with at the end of the process but the pain and suffering statistics would be the same.
I suppose there could be a small argument for marine and pork products as pigs are a stricter "omni abused" animals etc, but surely you have to be either "in" or "out" or, if you like, "cruel" or "kind" there's no grey area.
Veggies have carved a grey area where there isn't one.
I just can't take them seriously any more. When it comes to cruelty and suffering they're part of the problem, and a big part.
Nice weather for this time of year.