OK so maybe I am a little naive to even ask the pediatrician about a vegan diet but I was hoping she would know which vitamins they should be taking. I specifically asked about b12, but the dr said that is not an issue for vegans and the real issue is iron. She said the best way to avoid low iron was to feed DS meat twice a week. Then cited herself as an example, saying "I used to be vegetarian, but then I got low iron. So now I eat meat. I did have a heavy period though." Huh?
Her answer to "should I be giving iodine supplements, if I don't salt the food?" was: "If you don't want to salt your food, you can just salt DS's and DD's portions after you serve them, so that they get enough iodine." I have never before heard of a dr recommending to eat more salt, just because she did not want to recommend taking an iodine supplement.
Normally I really like this dr, I am stumped by her answers to my questions.
In addition to B12, iodine, and iron, I am also concerned about zinc. Does anyone give their kids vitamins? Do I need to have their iron levels tested periodically? I have a couple of books about vegan nutrition but they do not address this issue. I am very grateful for any insight.