Although we don't eat chooks, it is good that those who do, understand something of genetic modification. The following is from an article in today's abc-on line news:

One of the nation's largest chicken meat producers, Bartter-Steggles, is one of three companies that have agreed to source non-GM feed, to satisfy consumer perceptions that GM-free is better. Chairman Peter Bartter says, for the first time, the company has found an overseas port which can segregate GM soy beans from non-GM beans. "The price is a little bit dearer than the normal or GM beans, but the cost isn't high enough that it says to us that we have to increase the price of chicken."

The decision to phase out GM chicken feed has been welcomed by the Consumers' Association. Food policy officer Clare Hughes believes consumers are concerned about GM feed, but isn't sure if shoppers will automatically buy more chicken.

Well I hope not!